Specialised Staff
In our school, we have specialised staff that help our children in their learning. These staff members will deliver sessions to classes or small groups as needed.
Mrs McMillan
I am the SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) for our school.
In school, I work closely with all members of staff to ensure they know how to meet the needs of the children they work with. We pride ourselves on being as inclusive as possible and allowing everyone to access the curriculum at their level.
My favourite thing about working with the SEN children is building relationships with them over their time at our school and being somebody they can come to when they need support.
Ms Carr
I support all the EAL children across the school.
My favourite subjects are both Maths and English language.
My favourite thing about working closely with the EAL children is to see them progress in their learning and to see them play happily in the playground.
Ms England
I teach speech and language everyday throughout school.
My favourite subject is literacy.
My favourite thing about teaching is watching everyone improve and grow in confidence.
Mrs Heck
I teach class music lessons from Tuesday to Thursday, but I am also in school on a Monday teaching piano lessons.
My favourite subject is Music.
I love being able to bring music to as many children in school as possible and give them the confidence to perform for others.
Mr Spinola
I teach all year groups PE.
My favourite subject is P.E.
My favourite thing about P.E. is the teamwork and competition.
Mr Heathcote
I teach all year groups PE and am a trained ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant), providing small group support to children across the school.
My favourite subject is P.E.
My favourite thing about P.E. is watching the children work together and become a team.
Ms Brenner
I am a trained ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant), providing small group support to children across the school.
My favourite subject is Art and DT.
Mrs Coyne
I work across the school providing dyslexic support in small group or one-to-one interventions.
My favourite subject is Maths.
My favourite thing about Year 6 is Seeing the children become confident and ready to move on and leave Stamford Park Primary School.