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School Student Leadership

Here at Stamford Park Primary School, we believe that empowering our pupils with responsibility will prepare them for the world they will face when they leave us. Therefore, we aim to create a multitude of possibilities for children to showcase their leadership skills across a wide range of areas. 

Our school leadership teams:

Head students

We are the SPPS Head Students!


The Head students are the role models of our school and lead our Prefect Team in their duties. They are responsible for supporting the leadership of the school. We believe that our Year 6 children have important roles to play and are expected to take their roles seriously. This is a good opportunity for a child to lead by example and it is a prestigious role in our school.

Role and responsibilities

Supporting Mrs Price and the Senior Leadership team in leading the school

Representing the school when required including giving speeches

Working with staff to facilitate the running of events

Acting as positive role models to the rest of the school

Ensuring there is good communication between the adults and the children of our school

Skills required

A good listener

Good relationships with children of all ages – able to encourage and support them

A positive role model to all

Able to recognise and praise other children’s achievements

Clear and open communication with staff

Always there when required



School council

Role and responsibilities

We are the School Councillors! At the start of each school year, each class from Year 2 to Year 6 vote for their class representative, each making up our school council. In addition, the Head and Deputy boys and girls from Year 6 also join us. We meet every two weeks with Miss Shah and Mr. Hines 3SH and take part in delivering whole school initiatives! This can include, presenting during assemblies, organising and publisising charity events and days, suggesting how to improve school life and routines and forming links with other local people, such as Hale Croft Old People's Home and the Children's Adventure Farm Trust.  Please see the newsletter each week for details of upcoming meeting dates. 

Skills required

Be able to cooperate to make the school a better, happier place

Respect others' opinions and views

Act as a role model to all children around school

Behave sensibly at all times and set a high standard of behaviour

Be able to organise their time effectively

Generate ideas and be confident in putting them forward to their classmates


Rights Rangers

At Stamford Park Primary School, we have selected children to be our Rights Rangers. Our Rights Rangers are very proud of their role in school. Chosen from across the school they lead other pupils in developing their understanding of the UNCRC United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child.

We have so far achieved our Bronze Award and we are now working towards our Silver Award accreditation.





Eco Council

Role and responsibilities

We are the Eco Council!

We help to look after our school environment and teach others about how to look after the world around them. 

This can include running assemblies, attending council meetings, supporting school staff in caring for the school grounds, organising charity events and training younger children to care for our environment at school and at home. 

Skills required


Respect others and the environment

Act as a role model to all

Behave sensibly around school - modelling how to care for our environment

Have good time management skills

Be able to work well in a team

Represent the school with pride


Digital leaders

Role and responsibilities

We are the digital leaders! We lead the school in the safe and creative use of ICT here at SPPS! This can include running assemblies; attending network meetings with other schools; training younger children on how to use computers safely and also testing out new software to see how it can be most effectively used.

Skills required


Respect others

Act as a role model to all

Behave sensibly within school - especially when handling computing equipment

Have good time management skills

Be able to work well in a team

Represent the school with pride


Road safety team

Role and responsibilities

We are the SPPS Road Safety Team. We lead road safety in and around school. This can include, running assemblies, conducting traffic surveys at key times during the day, writing letters to parents and creating eye catching posters to promote road safety.


Skills needed

Passionate about road safety


Responsible, have good time keeping skills,

willing to speak in front of an audience,

represent the school with pride.