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School Council

Remit of the School Council

  • To give the pupils of Stamford Park Primary School a voice in the running of the school.
  • To devise initiatives to improve the school environment, making it a better place for all children and adults.
  • To help people in our local community ‘by giving our time, energy and help to the people who need it.’  

Membership of the School Council

Our School Council consists of:

  • The Head Boy and Head Girl from Year 6.
  • The Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl from Year 6.
  • An elected class representative from Years 2–6. 
  • In total, this makes a forum of fourteen children. 

Meeting times for the School Council

  • The School Council meets once a fortnight.
  • Meetings take place before school at 8.15am in 3SH.
  • In advance of each half-term, the dates for the fortnightly meetings will be placed in the newsletter. 

A message from Mr Hines 

I am very lucky to have led the School Council at Stamford Park Primary School for a number of years now and every academic year the children seem to achieve even greater things, both in the school environment and the local community.

Our School Council drives real change for all children, making a real difference to their daily lives. We also give our time and effort to helping the local community and forging links with other schools and organisations in the vicinity of our establishment. 

Please take the time to look through our 'School Council Gallery' of pictures and our 'Yearly Reviews' below for full details of our initiatives, community links and amazing achievements.