Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium is funding to improve the educational outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in schools in England.
At Stamford Park Primary, we receive an extra £1,385 for every eligible pupil who is registered for free school meals; we receive an extra £2,410 for pupils who have been adopted from care or who are being looked after by the local authority. We use this extra money to provide additional opportunities and support for our eligible pupils through targeted academic support, individual music lessons, small group swimming lessons, access to extra-curricular clubs, access to trips and access to mental health support. We work closely with parents to see how this money should be best used to support their child's development and education at the school.
For further information, please see our Pupil Premium Policy below, along with our Pupil Premium Statement (detailing how we are spending our money) and our Review of Pupil Premium (detailing the impact this funding has had).
If you feel your child may be eligible for Free School Meals, please see the link below for the Trafford Free School Meal application form.
If you have any further questions, please contact Ms Bogart (our Pupil Premium Lead) via the school office.