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Extracurricular Clubs

At Stamford Park Primary School, we run a wide variety of extracurricular opportunities for our children encompassing a range of different clubs including Art, Computing, Music, Modern Foreign Languages and a wide variety of sports clubs.

Most clubs are run on a termly basis. At least three weeks before the end of each term, a Parent Mail will be sent out detailing the different clubs available to each year group across the school and an updated timetable will be uploaded below. The letter and timetable for the autumn term (September 2024 onwards) can now be found below.

We are also pleased to offer an externally-run French Club and Art Club . Details of all clubs can be found below.

Most of our clubs are delivered in house and arranged via the school office. If an external provider runs the club, another adult will lead it. You will need to liaise with the provider of an external club separately to arrange a place and to arrange payment. Details for external providers can be found below.

Please note, refunds will only be offered for extracurricular clubs if your child leaves the school or if there are medical reasons why your child is unable to attend. If a provider is paid directly for an extracurricular club by a parent, guidance about refunds will need to be sought from the provider and not the school.

If you have any questions regarding any of the clubs that we offer or have any new club suggestions for the future, please contact Mr Spinola via the school office.